
How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis Cough

8 Home Remedies for Bronchitis to Ease Coughing and Wheezing

Madeline R. Vann, MPH


a woman coughing

When you have bronchitis, your airways are inflamed and coated with thick mucus. Your cough may bring up mucus from your lungs, and you may also sound like you are wheezing when you breathe.

There are two types of bronchitis: acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Colds and respiratory viruses are the most common causes of acute bronchitis, which usually improves in about 10 days, although a nagging cough often continues for a few weeks afterward. Chronic bronchitis lasts much longer. If you have a cough that brings up mucus on most days of a three-month period for two years in a row, you have chronic bronchitis. You need to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis — asthma, sinus infections, and even gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can mimic bronchitis.

As to whether bronchitis is contagious: It depends on the type you have.

"Acute bronchitis is most certainly contagious because it's often caused by concurrent acute viral infections," explains John Carl, MD, a pulmonologist at Cleveland Clinic's Center for Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine in Ohio. If the cause is bacterial in nature, this type of bronchial infection can also be contagious because of droplet spread, he adds. Chronic bronchitis, however, is not contagious, because it's typically caused by longtime exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke or air pollution.

As with most illnesses, the key to protecting yourself and others from catching acute bronchitis is good hygiene, such as covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and washing your hands well, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You'll also want to disinfect any surfaces someone with acute bronchitis may have come in contact with, says Dr. Carl. Other smart ways to avoid spreading acute bronchitis include not smoking (or quitting as soon as you can) and avoiding secondhand smoke, dust, and pollution. And be sure that you and your children have received the recommended vaccines.

Take precautions to avoid contact with people who may have bronchitis-causing infections, Carl says. And if you are in close contact with someone with bronchitis (say if you're a doctor or nurse treating a sick patient), use a mask, he adds.

If and when you do develop a case of acute bronchitis, the good news is that most cases clear up on their own. In the meantime, there are several home remedies you can try to help you manage your symptoms. Here's what you can do to feel better faster.

Additional reporting by Jennifer Geddes


Always Avoid Cigarettes and Secondhand Smoke

avoid cigarrete smoke for bronchitis

Cigarette smoke is a leading trigger that makes acute bronchitis worse — and can lengthen recovery. Long-term exposure to cigarette smoke or secondhand smoke is also one of the leading causes of chronic bronchitis. If you smoke, quit. Avoid people and places that expose you to secondhand smoke. The American Academy of Family Physicians also advises people to avoid inhaling any other fumes or chemicals that can damage the lungs, such as other smoke or industrial fumes.


Exercise Moderately Every Day (as Long as It Doesn't Wear You Out)

exercise daily to avoid bronchitis

Daily exercise helps build the health and capacity of your heart, lungs, and body — and can help ease bronchitis symptoms, says Anandhi T. Ganesh, MD, MPH, a pulmonologist at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center in Round Rock, Texas. The key is choosing moderate- or low-intensity exercises, because a case of acute bronchitis will likely leave you with less energy than usual. If you are concerned about what kind of exercise to do, ask your doctor.


Clean the Air of Bronchitis Triggers and Irritants

keep air clean to avoid bronchitis

Mold, dust, and other substances in the air may be the irritants causing your bronchitis symptoms. Dusting and vacuuming twice each week will help reduce exposure, says James Shamiyeh, MD, a pulmonologist and the medical director of the heart, lung, and vascular institute at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville. "Sometimes removing the carpeting or rugs can help reduce dust and other triggers in the home," says Dr. Shamiyeh.

If you do the deep cleaning yourself, be sure to wear a face mask. All that rearranging is sure to stir up extra dust and irritants.


Drink Lots of Water and Other Caffeine-Free Beverages

stay hydrated to avoid bronchitis

Drinking plenty of fluids can help thin the thick mucus that's clogging your airways. This will help ease your discomfort as your body fights bronchitis symptoms. Besides water, try to stick with caffeine-free drinks, such as herbal teas, and 100 percent fruit juices.

"If you can, drink six to eight glasses a day to thin out the mucus, because this makes coughing easier," says Carl.

Additionally, gargling with warm saltwater may help ease the irritation in your throat, according to research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


Try Over-the-Counter Medications for Relief

otc medication for bronchitis

Acute bronchitis symptoms may include fever, chest discomfort, and overall fatigue as your body fights off the infection. Over-the-counter medications that you may already have in your medicine cabinet could help. Try Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) for fever and aches and pains.

Cough medicines can help, too, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Expectorants — like Mucinex (guaifenesin) — help make the mucus less thick and therefore easier to cough up (which helps you heal faster). Cough suppressants, such as Robitussin (dextromethorphan), help ease a dry cough.

As irritating as a cough can be, most doctors recommend against taking a cough suppressant for acute bronchitis unless the cough is keeping you awake at night. You should always check with your doctor before you take over-the-counter medications for a cough. You'll also want to know any potential side effects or interactions, which your doctor or pharmacist can tell you.


Consider a Humidifier in Your Bedroom

humidifier to avoid bronchitis


Dry air can irritate the bronchial tubes and make bronchitis symptoms worse. Using a humidifier could help you breathe more easily and may help break up some of the congestion in your airways, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Make sure that you follow the directions for the humidifier's use and cleaning. A dirty humidifier can grow more of the mold and bacteria that contribute to bronchitis symptoms. Use clean water daily and clean the machine at least every three days. A steamy shower may also provide you quick relief.


Soothe Your Dry Throat With Honey and Lemon

soothe a dry throat with honey and lemon

A hot drink made with honey and lemon juice is an old trick to help ease bronchitis symptoms, especially an irritated throat or dry cough. In addition to tasting and feeling good, it's a healthy drink that will help you get needed fluids. "It has to be a really, truly organic honey," advises Ganesh. Clinical research has shown honey and lemon to be helpful for children, but its effectiveness in adults hasn't yet been proved. "It won't hurt," says Ganesh.


Get Your Flu Shot Every Year (Don't Forget!)

to avoid bronchitis, get your flu shot every year

The flu can inflame bronchial passages and cause bronchitis. That means avoiding the flu can help you avoid acute bronchitis, too. And one of the best defenses against the flu is an annual flu shot! If you are 65 or older, or if you are at high risk, you should also get the "pneumonia" shot, the pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine. Talk to your doctor at your annual physical about getting or scheduling a flu (and pneumonia) shot for the upcoming season.

"Most importantly, you need to prevent the flu or pneumonia," advises Ganesh. There is no real cure for bronchitis, says Ganesh. Since most cases of bronchitis are caused by viruses, it generally has to run its course. So do what you can to avoid getting sick in the first place. If you are currently fighting an infection, however, especially if you have a fever, you may have to wait until you feel better before you get a flu shot.

How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis Cough


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